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AVANTech Advantage

AVANTech has extensive government experience in the testing, design, fabrication, technology maturation, and commissioning of complex ion-selective wastewater and waste processing equipment in extreme environments.

Products and solutions


AVANTech has a comprehensive cadre of specialists experienced in providing solutions in managing hazardous and radioactive contaminants from water, groundwater, surface water, and wastewater. Registered Professional Engineers and Verification and Validation (V&V) software systems confirm the requirements for the intended purpose.

– Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)

– Material and Energy Balance

– Control Logic Narratives

– Equipment Manufacturing Drawings (3-Dimensional Drawings)

– FEA (Structural/Thermal)

– Building Code Compliance (Floor Loading, Seismic, NPH)

– ASME Code Calculations

– Power, Control, PLC Programming

– Automation

– Shielding Analysis

Radiolytic Decay (Gas, Heat)

Design, Build, Operation, and Maintenance

AVANTech has extensive experience in the design, fabrication, start-up, and operation of integrated complex liquid and solid radwaste water processing equipment under expedited schedules. Systems can meet the ASME NQA-1 Quality Program, UL Electrical Panels, Nuclear Commercial Grade Dedication (CGD), and CE or PED certifications, if applicable.


AVANTech can complete all design and fabrication in-house at any one of our three locations: Columbia, SC; Knoxville, TN; and Richland, WA; expediting delivery and cost savings. Specialized equipment includes shell plate, angle, and pipe rolling machines; Computer Numerical Control (CNC) mills; and precise waterjet abrasive cutting systems.


– NQA-1 Quality Program

– ASME Certified Manufacturing

– UL Electrical Panels

– European CE and PED Certifications

Testing and Technology Maturation

AVANTech has the facilities, personnel, and capabilities to perform bench, engineering, and full-scale testing of non-radioactive processes and systems. Many of our technology maturation plans (TMP) are developed and conform to the technology readiness levels associated with U.S. DOE Order 413.3B.

Ion Selective Removal

AVANTech is known worldwide for its capabilities for removal of ion selective contaminants from liquids. Cesium, Strontium, Chromium, and Technetium are some of the ions removed from our designed and fabricated systems. These include our SARRY System at the Fukushima Nuclear Plant, TSCR System at DOE Hanford Site, Wastewater Treatment System at DOE ORNL, and 200 West Groundwater Pump and Treat System at DOE Hanford Site.

– SARRY System, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, Japan

– Tank-Side Cesium Removal System, DOE Hanford Site, Washington

– Wastewater Treatment System, DOE Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee

– 200 West Groundwater Pump and Treat System, DOE Hanford Site, Washington

Waste Stabilization and Packaging

AVANTech provides a variety of waste packaging solutions, products, and services, including process shields, shipping casks, steel containers, Radsafe™ High Integrity Contains (HICs), and grout and polymer stabilization systems.

Cask Licensing, Design, and Fabrication

AVANTech has manufactured custom-designed process and transport shields and US/International compliant shipping casks. This capability includes the initial design, licensing, fabrication, and sale/lease stages, ranging from small custom-designed shields to large shipping casks.

Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Treatment

AVANTech has special processes and systems for removing trace levels of hazardous and radioactive contaminants from water, groundwater, and wastewater, and then properly treating and disposing of any secondary waste. Proprietary products and systems are continually being developed for PFAS and other emerging contaminants of concern.

Who We Serve

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Our team of water treatment experts are ready to tackle your biggest challenges. Together, let’s make water safer and accessible.

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